A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z


Lamb of Glory
Lamb of God
Land of Living
Last Chance to pray
Last Night I dreamed of Heaven
Laying up Treasures
Lazarus and the rich man
Lead me
Lead me Father
Lead me gently Home
Lead me guide me
Lead me Home
Lead me to Calvary
Lead me to the Cross
Lead me to the Rock
Lead me to the Rock (Walker)
Lead on, O King eternal
Lean and depend on Jesus
Lean on His Arms
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Learning to be the Light
Learning to Lean
Least I can do
Leave it There
Leave with nothing left
Leaving on my mind
Led out of Bondage
Legend of the Robins Breast
Let go and let God
Let go and let Jesus
Let Him have His Way with thee
Let it be known
Let it fade
Let Jesus come into your Heart
Let me Live
Let me touch You
Let me walk with you Jesus
Let my Life be a Light
Let the Beauty of Jesus
Let the Church roll on
Let the Death Angel pass
Let the Fire fall
Let the lower Lights be burning
Let the peace of God reign
Let the People praise
Let the River flow
Let the Spirit descend
Let the worshippers arise
Let them see You
Let us travel, travel on
Let us Adore
Let Your Glory fall
Let Your Light shine on me
Let Your Love flow through me
Let Your Presence Fall
Let's all go down to the River
Let's meet by the River
Let's talk about Jesus
Life in the death of me
Life's like a Mountain Railroad
Life's Railroad to Heaven
Lift Him up (Oatman)
Lift Him up (Kenoly)
Lift me up
Lift me up above the Shadows
Lift my Life up
Lift your Head
Light at the end of darkness
Light at the River
Light at the River
Light of the World
Light the Fire again
Light the Fire in my Heart again
Light up the Sky
Like a River glorious
Lily in the Valley
Lion and Lamb
Lion of Judah
Listen for the Trumpet
Listen to our Hearts
Listen to the Sound
Little Baby in a Manger
Little by little
Little David
Little David play on Your Harp
Little Delta Church
Little Drummer Boy
Little is much
Little Mountain Church
Little Ones like me
Little White Church
Live like that
Live like your loved
Living on forever
Live to praise You
Live with abandon
Live with Jesus
Living by Faith
Living for Jesus
Living Hope
Living in Love with the Lord
Living Water
Look and Live
Look away
Look away to Jesus
Look up and lift your Head
Look for me
Look for me at Jesus Feet
Look to Him
Look what God has done for you
Look Ye Saints
Looking for a City
Lonesome Valley
Longing for Jesus
Lord bless our Home
Lord, build me a Cabin in Glory
Lord I believe in You
Lord help me be as Thou
Lord I do believe
Lord I give You my Heart
Lord I lift your name on high
Lord I need You
Lord I want to go to Heaven
Lord I want to know You more
Lord I'm chasing after You
Lord I'm coming Home
Lord I'm ready now
Lord I'm thankful
Lord It's just another Hill
Lord I offer my Life
Lord I want to be a Christian
Lord, lay some Soul upon my Heart
Lord, Lord, Lord, You've really been good to me
Lord Most High
Lord of the Harvest
Lord our God
Lord prepare me to be a Sanctuary
Lord reign in me
Lord remember me
Lord send me
Lord send me anywhere
Lord speak to me
Lord, take first Place
Lord You are more precious than silver
Lord You've been good to me
Lord You've been mighty good to me
Lord You have my Heart
Lose my Soul
Love alone is worth the Fight
Love as I loved
Love broke thru
Love came down at Christmas
Love covers all
Love divine all Love excelling
Love goes on
Love has won
Love lifted me
Love rolled the Stone away
Love take me over
Love that won't stop
Love was in the room
Love wonderful Love
Loving God, loving each other
Loving my Jesus
Lowest Valley