Lift Me Up Above the Shadows Lyrics & Chords
By Herbert Buffum
(D)Lift me up above the shadows, Plant my feet on (G)higher (D)ground, Lift me up above the clouds, Lord, Where the pure sun(E)shine is (A)found; (D)Lift me up above my weakness, Lift me up into Thy strength, Lift me up above the shad(G)ows, Till I (D)stand with Thee at length. Chorus (D)Lift me up (G)above the (D)shadows, Lift me (A)up and let me (D)stand On the mountaintops of (G)glory, Let me (D)dwell in (A)Beulah (D)land. Lift me up above the shadows, For the storms are raging high, Lift me up, my blessed Savior, Let me to Thy bosom fly; There no evil thing can touch me, Over on the shining side, Lift me up above the shadows, Let me evermore abide. Chorus Lift me up above the shadows, Lift me up and let me stand On the mountaintops of glory, Let me dwell in Beulah land. Lift me up above the shadows, Out of sorrow into joy, Lift me up above my grief, Lord, Give me gold for my alloy; Then when death must claim my spirit, And the storms of life are past, Lift me up above the shadows, Till in heav’n I stand at last. Chorus Lift me up above the shadows, Lift me up and let me stand On the mountaintops of glory, Let me dwell in Beulah land. Lift us up above the shadows, When to earth You come again, Let us be in the assembly, As Thy Bride to ever reign; In Thy kingdom full of glory, With our friends we’ll ever be, Lift us up above the shadows, There to dwell eternally.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.