Little Mountain Church House Lyrics & Chords
By Carl Jackson & Jim Rushing
Oh the church in the valley oh that (G)
little white church Is the (D)
place I love so (A)
well Now I'm (D)
sad and lonely yes I'm (G)
sad and lonely For that (D)
little white (A)
church in the (D)
dell (D)
There's a little white church in the valley That (G)
stands in my memory each (D)
day And it seems I can hear the bells ringing (E)
Though I am many miles (A)
away And (D)
many times on Sunday morning The (G)
whole countryside would gather (D)
there They would all kneel down by the altar As they (A)
lifted up their voices in (D)
prayer They would sing the old song Rock of Ages Oh Christ let me hide myself in Thee And I know some of them are now waiting Just o'er the dark and stormy sea I know their troubles all are ended And happy forever they will be They are waiting and watching up yonder For the coming home of you and me
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.