Let Me Walk With You Jesus Lyrics & Chords

(D)You found me when I was so (G)lonely,
you (A)found me when I was so (D)blue
You found me when no one could (G)help me
and I (A)didn't know just what to (D)do.

(D)Let me walk with you (G)Jesus
(A)don't ever leave me (D)alone
for without you I could (G)never,
no (A)never make heaven my (D)home

(D)I've been on the mountain with (G)Jesus,
I've (A)been in the valley so (D)low,
but never one time has he (G)failed me,
when to (A)Him with my trouble I (D)go

(D)If I had all the walth of this (G)whole world,
if I (A)had all that money could (D)buy,
but I had not the love of my (G)Savior,
then I'd (A)rather be dead than (D)alive.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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