Know My Heart Lyrics & Chords

By Sara Groves

Verse 1 (D)Why do I pray do I pray to say I prayed an (G)hour? Why do I love do I want you beholden to me? Why do I help do I want to hear my name called out? (A)Why (D)do I (G)sing? Chorus (A)Search (Em)me and (G)know my heart, oh (D)God. (A)See if (Em)there is (G)any wrong thing (E)in (A)me. (A)All (Em)I have (G)ever really (D)wanted are (G)cle(A)an (Em)hands and a (A)pure (D)heart. Verse 2 Why do I tithe do I tithe so I can get a blessing? Why do I praise do I praise to do the right thing? Why do I serve do I serve so others will serve me? Why do I sing?

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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