Kneel At The Cross Lyrics & Chords
By Charles E. Moody
(G)Kneel at the cross, Christ will meet you there (C)Come while He waits for (G)you Listen to His voice, leave with Him your cares (A)And begin life (D)anew (G)Kneel at the cross (D)leave every (G)care Kneel at the (C)cross (G)Jesus will (D)meet you (G)there Kneel at the cross there is room for all (C)Who would His glory (G)share Bliss there awaits harm can ne'er befall (A)Those who are anchored (D)there (G)Kneel at the cross (D)leave every (G)care Kneel at the (G)cross (G)Jesus will (D)meet you (G)there Kneel at the cross give your idles up (C)Look onto realms (G)above Turn not away to life's sparkling cup (A)Trust only in his (D)love (G)Kneel at the cross (D)leave every (G)care Kneel at the (C)cross J(G)esus will (D)meet you (G)there
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.