Let's Talk About Jesus Lyrics & Chords

Written by Herbert Buffum, Jr.

(D)Let's talk about Jesus! The King of (G)kings is He,
The Lord of (A)lords supreme thru' all e(D)ternity!
The great I Am, the Way, the Truth, the (G)Life, the Door.
Let's talk about (A)Jesus more and (D)more!

(D)Let's talk about Jesus, let all the (G)world proclaim
The pow'r and (A)majesty of such a wondrous (D)Name,
The Babe of Bethlehem, the bright and (G)Morning Star,
Let's sing His (A)praises near and (D)far.

(D)Let's talk about Jesus, the (G)Bread of Life is He,
The Savior (A)of the world, that Man of (D)Galilee,
The Prophet, Priest and King, the Mighty (G)God is He,
The well of (A)Living Water (D)free.

(D)Let's talk about Jesus, the Prince of (G)Peace is He,
The Great (A)Physician, too, down thru' all (D)history.
The Lily pure and white, the Rose of (G)Sharon fair,
The Shepherd of (A)such tender (D)care.

(D)Let's talk about Jesus, the Rock of (G)Ages He,
The Lamb for (A)sinners slain, that Man of (D)Calvary.
The Great Immanuel, the Word of (G)God sublime,
He is our Bride(A)groom so (D)divine.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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