Keep Walking With The Lord Lyrics & Chords

By Frank Garlock

Verse 1 (C)Jesus wants to (Em)keep us (Dm)in His (G)care Ev'rywhere we go He's (Em)always (C)there. He can give us joy be(F)yond com(Dm)pare Walking in the (Dm)goodness (G)of the (C)Lord Chorus (G)Keep (C)walking with the Lord (F)all the (C)way Keep (G)trusting in His word (Am)eve(G)ry (C)day Keep looking for the Son (F)watch and (Dm)pray (C)Keep walking trusting (F)all the way (C)Looking watching (Dm)praying (G)ev'ry (C)day Verse 2 If we follow Jesus, He will lead; He will then supply our ev'ry need. Absolute success is guaranteed Walking in the goodness of the Lord Verse 3 Jesus is our Savior, God, and King; We can look to Him for everything. After all He's done, let's shout and sing Walking in the goodness of the Lord

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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