Lord, You've Been Good To Me Lyrics & Chords

By Nancy Harmon

Capo 3 (Key of F) Verse 1 (D)When I think of all the many times I’ve been spared pain and mise(G)ry. (A)Even when I played the fool, your unseen hand was there protecting (D)me. Though I’ve had my share of troubles, I must confess to this reali(G)ty, When I (A)look back on my yesterdays, I have to raise my hands and say, Lord, you’ve been good to (D)me! Chorus: (D)You’ve been good to (G)me, and I just want to (D)thank You. You’ve been good to (A)me, Lord, and I just want to (G)praise (A)You. (G)You came for me when I was astray. You took me back, all-my sins for(D)gave. And I just want to thank You. (A)You’ve been good to (D)me! Verse 2 You promised, Lord, if I confessed- to all my sins, forgiveness would be mine. And faithful to your promise, you’ve cleansed the stain that sin had left behind. Just like it never happened, You held me in your arms so tenderly. You assured me of your mercy. Restored me completely. Lord, you’ve been good to me! Chorus: You’ve been good to me, and I just want to thank You. You’ve been good to me, Lord, and I just want to praise You. You came for me when I was astray. You took me back, all-my sins forgave. And I just want to thank You. You’ve been good to me!

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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