Joy in Serving Jesus Lyrics & Chords
By Oswald J. Smith
Verse 1 (G)
There is joy in (D)
serving (G)
Jesus As I (C)
journey on my (G)
way Joy that fills my (D)
heart with prai(G)
ses Every (D)
hour and (Am)
every (D)
day Chorus (G)
There is joy, (B)joy (E)
Joy in serving Jesus Joy that (Am)
throbs within my (D)
heart (G)
Every moment, (D)
every hour As I draw upon (G)
His power There is (C)
joy, (E)
joy (A)
Joy that never (G)
shall (D)
part Verse 2 There is joy in serving Jesus Joy; that triumphs over pain Fills my heart with heaven's music Till I join the glad refrain Chorus There is joy, joy Joy in serving Jesus Joy that throbs within my heart Every moment, every hour As I draw upon His power There is joy, joy Joy that never shall depart Verse 3 There is joy in serving Jesus As I walk alone with God 'Tis the joy of Christ my Saviour Who the path of suffering trod Verse 4 There is joy in serving Jesus Joy amid the darkest night For I've learned the wondrous secret And I'm walking in the light
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.