Jesus Rescues Me Lyrics & Chords

By Carolina Youth Rally Choir

(D)Going (A)through so many (G)changes What's the news for to(D)day? Somebody's (A)hurt, somebody's (G)aching (D)Somebody's trying to find a (A)way (D)A heavy heart can break your (G)will (D)A troubled soul leaves time standing (A)still If you're (D)hurting please don't (G)hide Lift up your (A)head I'm on your (D)side Chorus (D)When every mountain seems too high And every river looks too (G)wide When my dreams are lost at (Em)sea (D)Jesus rescues me My faith is strong and carries me Though sometimes weak I still believe My life is built on this desire Through the flood and through the fire Jesus rescues me I know you're looking for an answer Searching for some hope to hold Empty hands leave you waiting Praying for a miracle Jesus hears every cry He sees the walls that we can't climb And He will heal your hurting soul And lead you safely to his Home

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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