Jesus Paid It All Lyrics & Chords

Hymn written by Elvina M. Hall | Performed by Chris Tomlin | Kristian Stanfill

(D)I hear the Saviour say
Thy (A)strength indeed is (D)small.
Child of weakness watch and (G)pray
Find in (D)me thine (A)all in (D)all.

(D)Jesus paid it (G)all.
(D)All to Him I (A)owe.
(D)Sin had left a (G)crimson stain,
He (D)washed it (A)white as (D)snow.

(D)Lord now indeed I find
Thy (A)power and thine (D)alone
Can change the lepers (G)spots
And (D)melt the (A)heart of (D)stone

(D)And when before the throne
I (A)stand in him (D)complete
Jesus died my soul to (G)save
My (D)lips (A)shall still (D)repeat

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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