Jesus Lyrics & Chords

By Chris Tomlin

Verse 1 (C)There is a truth older than the (F)ages There is a (C)promise of things yet to (F)come There is (Dm)One born for our sal(Am)vation (C)Jesus (F) Verse 2 There is a light that overwhelms the darkness There is a kingdom that forever reigns There is freedom from the chains that bind us Jesus, Jesus Chorus (C)Who (F)walks on the waters, (Am)who (G)speaks to the sea Who (C)stands in the fi(B)re be(Am)side me (C)He (F)roars like a lion, (Am)He (G)bled as the lamb He (C)carries my healing in (Am)His hands (C)- (F)Jesus Verse 3 There is a name I call in times of trouble There is a song that comforts in the night There is a voice that calms the storm that rages He is Jesus, Jesus Chorus Who walks on the waters, who speaks to the sea Who stands in the fire beside me He roars like a lion, wHe bled as the lamb He carries my healing in His hands Chords - Jesus Bridge Mes(C)siah, my (G)Savior, there is (C)power in Your (Am)name (C)You're my (F)rock and my re(G)deemer, there is (C)power in (G)Your (Am)name In Your (F)name Chorus Who walks on the waters, who speaks to the sea Who stands in the fire beside me He roars like a lion, wHe bled as the lamb He carries my healing in His hands Chords - Jesus

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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