It's Bubbling Lyrics & Chords
By Sullivan and Lacour
Since I came to Jesus, for heaven made a start My cup is running over, there’s music in my heart. Chorus It's (D)
bubbling, it's bubbling, It's bubbling in my (A)
soul. It's (A)
singing and laughing, Since Jesus made me (D)
whole. Folks don't understand it, I cannot keep it (A)
quiet. It's bubbling, bubbling, Bubbling in my (D)
soul. I knew some folks who had it, I saw their faces shine But little did I ever think that the bubbling would be mine. My heart became so hungry, my soul began to cry Oh God I want that blessing or else I’ll surely die. When I died out to people, and let go everything A landslide came from heaven with the bubble-bubble-bubbling.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.