I'm Going Home Lyrics & Chords
By Hank Williams
When my work here is o'er and (G)
trials come no (D)
more o that great day I'm going (A)
home To (D)
live forever more, (G)
just o'er on heaven's (D)
shore When my life here is (A)
o'er I'm going (D)
home Chorus (D)
I'm going (G)
home, I'm going (D)
home When my life here is o'er I'm going (A)
home Won't it be so sweet, to (G)
rest at Jesus' (D)
feet When my life here is (A)
o'er I'm going(D)
home I'm traveling in the light And my way is clear and bright Some glad day I'm going home Heading for the pearly gates for there my savior waits When my life here is o'er I'm going home As I travel down life's road So heavy is my load But some glad day I'm going home I'll meet my loved ones there, in that land so bright and fair When my life here is o'er I'm going home
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.