I’ll Put On A Crown Lyrics & Chords
By Albert E. Brumley
I am on a journey to that (G)
city four (D)
square, And by the grace and the love of God (G)
I will surely enter (D)
there; Then some glad tomorrow with (G)
the saints I'll (D)
stand, I'll put on a crown and walk around all (A)
over God's promised (D)
land. Chorus O glory, (G)
what a wonderful (D)
day. I'll join the throng at the blood-washed throne (G)
while the ages roll (D)
away; When I get to heaven (G)
on that beautiful (D)
strand, I'll put on a crown and walk around all (A)
over God's promised (D)
land. There will be no more dying, no more trouble or strife. We will live through the ages by the beautiful Tree Of Life; And when I join that chorus, Heaven's happy band, I'll put on a crown and walk around all over God's promised land.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.