I'd Rather Live By The Side Of The Road Lyrics & Chords
By Albert E. Brumley Sr.
(G)There are people who would rather live in mansions People (C)who would rather live abroad (G)People who would trade God's promise For the (A)glories to (D)hold. There are (G)people who would rather live in splendor And brag (C)about their silver and their gold But I'd (G)rather have a little log cabin By the (D)side of the (G)road. Chorus (G)I'd rather live by the side of the road And try to point (C)souls to the best abode Than to be a (G)king or a millionaire And live in (A)mansions in bright (D)array. I'd rather (G)do a neighborly deed For a traveler (C)here or a friend in need I'd rather (G)live by the side of the road And help some pilgrim (D)along life's (G)way. Well I'd rather have a cabin by the roadside With a pilgrimage of men just passing by Help to point some soul to Jesus In that city On High. Every day I want to help to scatter roses Every night I want the lamp to shine abroad With a welcome from the little bay window By the side of the road.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.