I'll Meet You In The Morning Lyrics & Chords

Written by Albert E. Brumley

C)I will meet you in the morning by the (F)bright river(C)side
When all sorrow has (G)drifted a(C)way
I'll be standing at the portals when the (F)gates open (C)wide
At the (G)close of life's long (D)dreary (G)day

(C)I'll meet you in the m-orning With a (F)how do you (C)do
And we'll sit down by the river And with rapture our auld (Am)acquainttance (D)re(G)new
You'll (C)know me in the m-orning By the (F)smiles that I (C)wear
When I meet you in the morning In the city that is (G)build four (C)square

(C)I will meet you in the morning in the (F)sweet by and (C)by
And exchange the old (G)cross for a (C)crown
There will be no disappointments and no(F)body shall (C)die,
In that (G)land e're the sun (D)goeth (G)down

(C)I will meet you in the morning at the (F)end of the (C)way
On the streets of (G)that city of (C)gold;
Where we all can be together and can be (F)happy for (C)aye
While the (G)years and the (D)ages shall (G)roll.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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