I Want To Be Ready To Meet Him Lyrics & Chords
By Adger M. Pace & G.T. Speer
(D)You may have your worldly pleasures, your (G)silver and your (D)gold, You may pile up all the riches that (E)this old world can (A)hold; But I'd (D)rather have my Saviour and (G)with Him firmly (D)stand, For I want to be ready to meet Him in the (A)glory(D)land. Chorus (D)I want to be ready to (G)meet Him by and (D)by I want to be ready to meet him (E)in the (A)sky I (D)want to be more like Him and (G)do His best (D)command, For I want to be ready to meet Him in the (A)glory(D)land. You may talk about your riches, your diamonds and your pearls, You may gain the wealth for ages of this and all the worlds, But the Saviour is more precious with Him I'll take my stand, For I want to be ready to meet Him in the gloryland. There is one thing I can boast of salvation from the fall, I'm an heir to wealth in glory, my Father owns it all; That is why I'm shouting happy and go at His command, For I want to be ready to meet Him in the gloryland.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.