I Pray For You Lyrics & Chords
sleeping so peacful in my bed last night
the Spirit of God filled the (A)room.
(D)In the wee hours of the morning He woke me up
and He (A)asked me, to pray for (D)
So I fell to my knees just me and the Lord.
We had a talk about (A)you.
(D)your health and your joy means so much to Him
that He (A)asked me to pray for (D)
I prayed for you in your (D)troubles
to Jesus I (A)called your (D)
I really be(G)lieve, that you will re(D)
cieve youre anwser,
for I (A)prayed for (D)
The children of God from time to time
wrestle with pain and (A)despair.
(D)But in all situations we're lifted up,
we're en(A)couraged and strength(D)
ened by prayer
So the next time you see me facing a trial,
there is one thing you can (A)do.
(D)It would mean so much if you'd call and say,
my friend I am (A)praying for (D)
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.