Dear Savior, Thou Art Mine Lyrics & Chords
By A. Hudson
(G)Dear Saviour, (C)Thou art (G)mine, How (C)sweet the thought to (G)me! Let (D)me repeat Thy (Em)name, And (A)lift my heart to (D)Thee. Chorus (G)Mine! (C)mine! (G)mine! I (C)know Thou art (G)mine; Saviour, dear (C)Savi(Am)our, I (G)know (D)Thou art (G)mine (C)(G) Thou art the sinner's Friend, So I Thy friendship claim, A sinner saved by grace, When Thy sweet message came. My hardened heart was touched; Thy pardoning voice I heard; And joy and peace came in, While listening to Thy Word. So let me sing Thy praise, So let me call Thee mine; I cannot doubt Thy word, I know that I am thine.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.