Closer To God Than Ever Before Lyrics & Chords
By Hee The Haw Quartet
(D) If you climb to the top of a (G) mountain And you (D) look towards the heavenly (A) door And you (D) almost hear voices of (G) angels Than you're closer to (D) God than (A) be-(D)-fore If you (G) look out over the (D) ocean While the waves gently roll on the (A) shore Can you (D) tell He’s up there watching (G) o’re you Than you're closer to (D) God than (A) be-(D)-fore (D) If you stand all alone in the (G) darkness Do you (D) wonder what life holds in (A) store If there’s (D) peace and contentment a-(G)-round you Than you're closer to (D) God than (A) be-(D)-fore
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.