Calmly Resting In the Lord Lyrics & chords

By The Erwins

Verse 1 (C)Lifes a journey (Em)day by (G)day (F)filled with (Am)laughter and with (F)pain but i (Dm)know that he is with me through it (G)all, when With (C)clouds my path is (G)dim storms of (Am)doubt (G)arise with (F)in, i find (Dm)refuge in the (G)shadow of the (C)cross. Chorus (F)I am (C)calmly (G)resting in the (C)Lord i am trusting (F)fully in his (G)word oh what(Am)ever life may (G)bring (Am)my result will (G)always (F)be i am (Dm)calmly (G)resting in the (C)Lord Verse 2 Shall i yield to idol fear giving way to every tear when the Lord himself has brought me to this hour peace be still my weary soul find your strength in christ alone for the savior holds me by his mighty power Chorus I am calmly resting in the Lord i am trusting fully in his word oh whatever life may bring my result will always be i am calmly resting in the Lord Bridge (C)nd when (Am)all my (D)strength shall (C)fail and i (Am)lie (F)with in the (G)grave i wont (Am)fear for he has (G)given me this (F)promise he will (A)roll my stone of (G)away Chorus I am calmly resting in the Lord i am trusting fully in his word oh whatever life may bring my result will always be i am calmly resting in the Lord,

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chordsand strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed. The struming pattern is also my own interpretation.