Zion's Hill Lyrics & Chords
Verse 1 (C)There waits for me a glad to(F)morrow, Where (C)gates of pearl swing open (C)wide, And when I've passed this vale of (F)sorrow, I'll (C)dwell up(G)on the other (C)side. Chorus Some (F)day beyond the reach of mortal (C)ken, Some day God only knows just (G)where and when The (C)wheels of mortal life shall (F)all stand (C)still And I shall go to dwell on (G)Zion's (C)hill. Verse 2 Some day I'll hear the angels singing, Beyond the shadows of the tomb; And all the bells of heaven ringing, While saints are singing, "Home, sweet home." Verse 3 Some day my labors will be ended, And all my wand'rings will be o'er, And all earth's broken ties be mended, And I shall sigh and weep no more. Verse 4 Some day the dark clouds will be rifted, And all the night of gloom be past; And all life's burdens will be lifted, The day of rest shall dawn at last.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
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