Your Ways Are Higher Than Mine Lyrics & Chords

By The Collingsworth Family

Verse 1 (G)It's not what I prayed for It's (Em)not what I wanted It's (D)not something I under(C)stand My circum(G)stances seems (Em)so confusing I'm (C)placing it (Am)all in your (D)hands Chorus (G)Your ways are higher than (C)mine I want moun(Am)tains to (G)move You (C)want me to (D)climb So (G)I'm gonna trust your work, your will, your (C)time (D)Your ways are higher than (G)mine Verse 2 One day I'm sure I will look back and marvel And how you knew best all along You see from heaven You know it's the hard times When I start to doubt help me believe Somewhere so far above me Chorus Your ways are higher than mine I want mountains to move You want me to climb So I'm gonna trust your work, your will, and your time Your ways are so much higher than mine Your ways are higher than mine Bridge (F)When I start to doubt, (C)help me believe Some(Em)where (G)so far above (D)me

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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