We've Come A Long Way Lyrics
We’ve come a long way, Lord A might-y long way We’ve come a long way, Lord Chorus A mighty long way, We’ve born our bur-dens in the heat of the day, But we know the Lord has made the Way, We’ve come a long way, Lord, A migh-ty long way I’ve been in the val-ley and I prayed night and day, I’ve been in the val-ley and I prayed night an day I’ve been in the val-ley and I prayed night and day, And I know the Lord has mde the way We’ve come a long way Lord, A might-y long way. I’ve had hard tri-als each and ev-’ry day. I’ve had hard tri-als each and ev-’ry day I’ve had hard tri-als each and ev-’ry day, But I know the Lord has made the Way We’ve come a long way Lord, A mighty long way.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.