We'll Soon Be Done With Troubles And Trials Lyrics & Chords

By Cleavant Derricks

(D)Some of these days I'm going home where no (G)sorrows ever (D)come We'll soon be done with troubles and (A)trials Safe from (D)heartache pain and care we shall (G)all that glory (D)share Then I'm gonna sit down beside my Jesus (A)sit down and rest a little (D)while Chorus (D)We'll soon be done with troubles and trials (A)Yes in that home on the other (D)side (G)Shake glad hands with the elders (D)tell my kindred good morning Sit down beside my Jesus (A)sit down and rest a little (D)while I shall behold His blessed face I shall feel His matchless grace We'll soon be done with troubles and trials Oh what peace and joy sublime in that home of love divine Then I'm gonna sit down beside my Jesus sit down and rest a little while

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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