We Bow Down Lyrics & Chords
By Twila Paris
You are Lord of the (F)
Heavens and (G)
Lord of my (C)
life (C)
Lord of the (G)
land and the sea You were Lord of (F)
Creation (G)
before there was (Am)
time And (F)
Lord of all (G)
Lords You will (C)
be We bow (C)
down (F)
and we (G)
worship You, (C)
Lord (x3) (F)
Lord of all (G)
Lords You will (C)
be You are (C)
King of the (F)
Heavens and King of my (C)
life King of the (G)
land and the sea You were (C)
King of (F)
Creation before there was (Am)
time And (F)
King of all (G)
Kings You will (C)
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.