This Is Like Heaven to Me Lyrics & Chords

By J. E. French

(D)We find many people who (A)can’t understand
Why we are so happy and (D)free.
We’ve crossed over Jordan to (G)Canaan’s fair land,
And (D)this is like (A)Heaven to (D)me.

(D)Oh, this is like Heaven to (A)me,
Yes, this is like Heaven to (D)me;
I’ve crossed over Jordan to (G)Canaan’s fair land,
And (D)this is like (A)Heaven to (D)me.

(D)So when we are happy we (A)sing and we shout;
Some don’t understand us, I (D)see.
We’re filled with the Spirit, there (G)isn’t a doubt,
And (D)this is like (A)Heaven to (D)me.

(D)We’ve heard the sweet music, the (A)heavenly chord,
From glory land over the (D)sea;
A soul-thrilling message from (G)Jesus, our Lord,
And (D)this is like (A)Heaven to (D)me.

(D)We’re looking for Jesus with (A)glory to come;
’Tis Jesus Who died on the (D)tree.
A cloud of bright angels to (G)carry me home
Oh, that will be (A)Heaven to (D)me.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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