The Way Chords Jeremy Camp The Way Chords - Jeremy Camp Guitar Video Chords and Lyrics

The Way Lyrics & Chords

By Jeremy Camp

Verse 1 (Em)All creation (C)cried out with (D)longing (Em)With groans (C) You could (D)compre(Em)hend And with wisdom, (C)You always (D)answer (Em)And give the words of (Am)life so un (D)failing Verse 2 (Em)And Your glory (C)shines all (D)around us (Em)Your faithful(C)ness shown for (D)all to (Em)see When we (C)think of all of Your (D)wonders (Em)The beauty of Your (Am)plan that's been (D)revealed (Em)We walk in Your light, (Am)we walk in (D)it Chorus (Em)Shine, (C)bright, (D)let Your glory fill this land (Em)Lift (C)high, the (D)King of kings and great I am (Em)Je-(C)-(D)sus, (C)You are the (Em)way, (C)You are the (D)Way Verse 3 We can see the works of Your loving hands With a hope and peace not made by man When You poured out Your grace and Your mercy And You held out Your arms so we could see You bled for all mankind and set the captives free Na na na na na na, Jesus

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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