The Lord's Prayer Song Lyrics & Chords
By Albert Hay Malotte
Our (G)
Father (C)
Which art in (Dm)
ven, (C)
Hallowed (Dm)
be... Thy (C)
Name, (Am)
Thy Kingdom (Em)
come, (Am)
Thy (D)
will be (E)done, On (Am)
earth.. (F)
as it (C)
is in (G)
ven... (F)
Give (C)
us (F)
this (C)
day Our (Dm)
ly (C)
bread, And (Am)
forgive us our (B)debts, As (Am)
we forgive our (B)debtors, And (C)
lead us not into temp(Dm)
tation, But (D)
deliver us from (G)
evil. For (C)
Thy is the (F)
Kingdom, and the (D)
power And the (Dm)
glory for(C)
er... (G)
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.