The God of all Comfort Lyrics & Chords
By The McKameys
When angry (C)
storms around me (G)
rage, Life's greatest (D)
trials I must (G)
face, My ship is (C)
tossed, seems all will be (G)
lost, Then the God of all (D)
comfort, speaks peace to my (G)
soul. Chorus (G)
When the God of all (C)
comfort, speaks peace to my (G)
soul; Rough seas are (D)
calmed, the winds cease to (G)
blow. No matter how (C)
dark may be the night, every(G)
thing will be alright; When the God of all (D)
comfort, speaks peace to my (G)
soul. When a broken heart leaves me hurting inside, Like rain my tears, fall through the night. His voice I hear, "There's no reason to fear," When the God of all comfort, speaks peace to my soul.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.