The Circuit Ridin' Preacher Lyrics & Chords

(G)The circuit-riding preacher used to ride across the land,
With a (C)rifle on his saddle and a (G)Bible in his hand;
He told the prairie people all (Em)about the promised land,
As (D)he went riding, (G)singing down the trail.

Leaning, (C)leaning, (G)safe and secure from (A)all (D)alarms!
(G)Leaning, (C)leaning, (G)leaning on the ever(D)lasting (G)arms.

(G)The circuit-riding preacher traveled through the mire and mud,
Told (C)about the fiery furnace and of (G)Noah and the flood
He preached the way to heaven was by (Em)water and the blood,
As (D)he went riding, (G)singing down the trail.

(G)There is pow’r, pow’r, (C)wonder-working (G)pow’r
In the (D)blood of the (G)Lamb,
There is pow’r, pow’r, (C)wonder-working (G)pow’r
In the (D)precious blood of the (G)Lamb.

(G)The circuit-riding preacher slept in flee-infested barns,
Even (C)then he felt the comfort of the (G)everlasting arms;
That gave him strength to travel on to (Em)churches, homes and farms
As (D)he went riding, (G)singing down the trail:

(G)Some glad morning when this life is over
(C)I'll fly (G)away
To a land on (Em)God's celestial shore,
(G)I'll (D)fly (G)away

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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