Sweet Will Of God (Still Fold Me Closer) Lyrics & Chords

By Leila N. Morris

(D)My stubborn (G)will at last hath (D)yielded; I would be Thine, and Thine (G)alone; And this the (B)prayer my (C)lips are (B)bringing, Lord, let in (G)me Thy will (D)be (G)done. Chorus (G)Sweet (D)will of (G)God, still (D)fold me (G)closer, (D)Till (Em)I (G)am (C)wholly (D)lost in (G)Thee. I’m tired of sin, footsore and weary, The darksome path hath dreary grown; But now a light has ris’n to cheer me; I find in Thee my Star, my Sun. Thy precious will, O conqu’ring Savior, Doth now embrace and compass me; All discords hushed, my peace a river, My soul, a prisoned bird set free. Shut in with Thee, O Lord, forever, My wayward feet no more to roam; What pow’r from Thee my soul can sever? The center of God’s will my home.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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