Stand By Me Lyrics & Chords
By Charles A. Tindley
(D)When the storms of life are raging (G)stand by (D)me When the storms of life are raging stand by (A)me When the (D)world is tossing me like a (G)ship upon the sea Thou who (D)rulest wind and (A)water stand by (D)me When the midst of tribulation stand by me When the midst of tribulation stand by me When the hosts of hell assail and my strength begins to fail Thou who never lost a battle stand by me When the midst of faults and failures stand by me When the midst of faults and failures stand by me When I do the best I can and my friends misunderstand Thou who knowest all about me stand by me When I'm growing old and feeble stand by me When I'm growing old and feeble stand by me When my life becomes a burden and I'm nearing chilly Jordan O Thou Lily of the Valley stand by me
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.