Stairway To Heaven Lyrics & Chords

By Bill J. Grant and Ralph Stanley

(D)Have you dreamed of a stairway to (G)heaven A (D)home just beyond the (A)blue A (D)stairway of gold to God's (G)heavenly fold A (D)stairway that's (A)waiting for (D)you Chorus (D)There's a stairway (golden stairway) (G)stairway to heaven That (D)leads to a home bright and (A)fair Step (D)by step I'll climb till His (G)hand touches mine Then (D)I'll rest at the (A)top of the (D)stairs There's a stairway that leads up to heaven That others before us have crossed They've gone to a place that Jesus prepared At the foot of the throne of God There's a place at the top of the stairway Where we'll rest when we're all safely there And friends that we leave someday we will meet In our home at the top of the stairs

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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