Showers Of Blessing Lyrics & Chords

Hymn by Daniel W. Whittle

(D)There shall be (A)showers of (D)blessing.
(A)This is the promise of (D)love;
(G)(Bm)There shall be seasons (D)refreshing,
sent from the Father (A)above.

Chorus (D)Showers of blessing,
showers of blessing we (A)need;
(D)Mercydrops (G)round us are (D)falling,
(A)but for the showers we (D)plead

(D)There shall be (A)showers of (D)blessing.
(A)Precious reviving a(D)gain;
(G)Over the hills and the (D)valleys,
sound of abundance of (A)rain.

(D)There shall be (A)showers of (D)blessing.
(A)Send them upon us, o (D)Lord;
(G)Grant to us now a re(D)freshing,
come, and now honor thy (A)word.

(D)There shall be (A)showers of (D)blessing.
(A)Oh, that today they (D)might fall;
(G)Now as to God we're con(D)fessing,
now as on Jesus we (A)call.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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