Show Us Christ Lyrics & Chords
By Sovereign Grace Music
Verse 1 (G)
Prepare our hearts, O God. (Em)
Help us (D)
to re(C)
ceive Break the (D)
hard and (C)
stony (G)
ground (Am)
help our (G)
lief (G)
Plant Your Word down deep in us, (Em)
cause it (D)
to bear (C)
fruit Open (D)
up our (C)
ears to (G)
hear, (Am)
lead us (G)
in Your (D)
truth Chorus Show us (G)
Christ, (Am)
show us (G)
ist O (G)
God, (D)
reveal Your (C)
glory Through the (Em)
preaching (D)
of Your (C)
Word Until (Em)
every (D)
heart con(C)
fesses (D)
Christ is (G)
Lord Verse 2 Your Word is living light upon our darkened eyes Guards us through temptations makes the simple wise Your Word is food for famished ones freedom for the slave Riches for the needy soul come speak to us today Bridge (G)
Where else can we go, Lord (Am)
Where else can we go (G)
You have the words of (C)
eternal life
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.