Revelation Song Lyrics & Chords

By Kari Jobe

(D)Worthy is the, (Am)Lamb who was slain
(C)Holy, Holy, is (G)He
(D)Sing a new song, (Am)to Him who sits on
(C)Heaven’s Mercy (G)Seat

(D)Holy, Holy, Holy
(Am)Is the Lord God Almighty
(C)Who was, and is, and is to (G)come
(D)With all creation I sing:
(Am)Praise to the King of Kings!
(C)You are my everything,
(G)And I will adore (D)You…!

(D)Clothed in rainbows, (Am)of living color
(C)Flashes of lightning, (G)rolls of thunder
(D)Blessing and honor, strength and (Am)glory and power be
(C)To You the Only Wise (G)King,

(D)Filled with wonder, (Am)awestruck wonder
(C)At the mention of Your (G)Name
(D)Jesus, Your Name is Power
(Am)Breath, and Living Water
(C)Such a marvelous (G)mystery

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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