Reach Lyrics & Chords
By Peter Furler
Verse 1 You hold the (Am)weight of the (C)world Still I (F)don't (C)slip through Your (Am)hands (C) (F) Your love is (Am)bigger Than (C)just (F)a (C)notion built by (Am)man (C) (F) I fall (Am)again and (C)again, But you (F)whisper, (C)“You're still (Am)mine.” (C) (F) You feel the (Am)pain of the (C)world, But you (F)never (C)push mine (Am)aside. (C) (F) Chorus And You (G)reach for (Am)me With a (F)love that quiets all my (C)fears And You (G)reach for (Am)me Like a (C)Father wipes away the (C)tears (F)So many people in (Am)this world, But I (C)hear You calling out my (G)name. You reach for (Am)me. Now I'm (F)never gonna be the (C)same. Verse 2 You know (Am)all of my (C)fears There's (F)nothing Your (C)eyes can't (Am)see. (C) (F) When I (Am)tried to give (C)up, Lord, You (F)never (C)gave up on (Am)me. (C) (F) I give You (Am)all of my (C)hopes and (F)dreams, I (C)lay them (Am)down. Of all the (Am)places I've (C)looked, You're the (F)one truth (C)I have (Am)found. (C) (F) Bridge You hold the (Am)weight of the (C)world, Still I (F)don't slip (C)through Your (Am)hands. (C) (F) You put the (Am)stars in the (C)sky. You know (Am)every (C)grain of (Am)sand (C) (F)
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.