Our God Is Tremendous Lyrics
By Third Exodus Assembly
When I'm in need, I call on the Lord And He hears me, yes He helps me He is faithful, and true, won't forget His own My Companion, my best friend, The only True God, There's no one greater Wonderful Savior, Jesus, The Lion of Judah! Chorus Our God is tremendous, His strength never faileth He goes through the Fire, just to save a sinner Yes He is almighty, He sends His angels, to guide me. There is no storm too powerful, our God cannot handle Our God in simplicity, revealed in you and me Came down from His glory and gave us the victory The greatest love story! When I'm in need, I call on the Lord And He hears me, yes He helps me He is faithful, and true, won't forget His own My Companion, my best friend, The only True God, There's no one greater Wonderful savior, Jesus, The Lion of Judah! When you're in trouble Jehovah Nissi the great enforcer God Allmighty will fight your battles Oh yes He will stand for you, Your victory will come Not the way your think it should but my great Jehovah just loves a Paradox Just stay in your position and watch the miraculous come into actiond
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.