Order My Steps Lyrics
By The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Order my steps in Your word dear Lord, Lead me, guide me everyday, Send Your anointing, Father I pray; Order my steps in Your word, Please, order my steps in Your word. Order my steps in Your word dear Lord, Lead me, guide me everyday, Send Your anointing, Father I pray; Order my steps in Your word, Please, order my steps in Your word. Humbly, I ask Thee teach me Your will, While You are working, help me be still, 'Cos Satan is busy, God is real; Order my steps in Your word, Please, order my steps in Your word. Bridle my tongue let my words edify, Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Thy sight, Take charge of my thoughts both day and night; Order my steps in Your word, Please order my steps in Your word. Chorus I want to walk worthy, My calling to fulfill, Please order my steps Lord, And I'll do Your blessed will. The world is ever changing, But You are still the same; Please order my steps, Lord I'll praise Your name. Order my steps in Your word. Order my tongue in Your word. Guide my feet in Your word. Wash my heart in Your word. Show me how to walk in Your word. Show me how to talk in Your word. When I need a brand new song to sing, Show me how to let Your praises ring, In your word (2x),
These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.