On Our Side Lyrics & Chords

By Lincoln Brewster

Verse 1 (F)Here in this mo(C)ment We find a mer(Am)cy that's made (G)new (F)Our fears we surren(C)der For all our hope (Am)is found in (G)You (Am)On (G)Your (C)word we (F)stand You're (Am)faith(G)ful (C)to the (F)end Chorus (F)We believe our God is on our (C)side Now and fore(Am)ver, now and fore(G)ver We be(G)lieve our (F)God is on our (C)side Now and fore(Am)ver, now and fore(G)ver (F)Whoa-oh-oh (C)He's on our side, on our (Am)side Whoa-oh-oh (G)He's on our side Verse 2 Here in Your presence We find the strength to live by faith Through trials and failures We know there's power in Your name On Your word we stand You're faithful to the end Bridge (F)Your love (C)remains (G)God You have (Am)made a way (F)We are (C)forever (G)saved (F)Your love (C)won't change (G)God You will (Am)stay the same (F)You will (C)forever (G)reign

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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