My Language Has Changed Lyrics
By Christian Kalambaie
Poeple are wondering about my true indentity Chords - and I know each one draws his own conclusion for so many years- i have been wondering too Chords - what I was Chords - where I came from Chords - and where I was going . The Lord has performed a great paradox Chords - for He came to break the seals of my life To let me know Chords - that even behind this flesh Chords - The Father Himself has established residency Since that very day Chords - my language has changed Chords - I have speaking Chords - speaking just like Christ HImseld “ me and The father , yes we are one ” and I m not ashamed to testify Chorus Hallelujah my language has changed Hallelujah Chords - thank you Jesus Hallelujah Chords - myl language has changed Hallelujah Chords - I have been quickened The Poeple of Zabulon and those from Nephtali Chords - Saw a great light when Jesus went to them for He was the fulfillement of many prophecies - A fulfilled scripture becomes a great light . My Lord has performed a great paradox Chords - for He has fulfilled many promises concerning me Since that very day Chords - my language has changed Chords - I have been speaking speaking just like Christ Himself “ I am the light in this dark world” and I m not ashamed to testify I am proof of resurection in this dying world - and I m not ashamed to tell the whole wide world Me and the bridegroom Chords - Yes we are one and I m not ashamed to sing about it
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.