My Hope Is In The Lord Lyrics & Chords
By Norman J. Clayton
Verse 1 (E)My (A)hope is (D)in (E)the (A)Lord (E)Who (A)gave Him-self for (E)me And (A)paid the (E)price Of (A)all my (D)sin at (A)Cal(E)va(A)ry. Chorus (E)For me He (A)died; For (E)me He (A)lives, And (D)ev(A)er(E)lasting life And (A)light (D)He (A)free(E)ly (A)gives. Verse 2 No merit of my own His anger to suppress, My only hope is found In Jesus' righteousness. Verse 3 And now for me He stands Before the Father's throne He shows His wounded hands And names me as His own. Verse 4 His grace has planned it all 'Tis mine but to believe And recognize His work of love And Christ receive..
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.