I Know A Fount Lyrics & Chords
By Oliver M. Cooke & Marty Mikles
(D)Say, are (C)you wea(G)ry? Are you (C)heavy-la(G)den? (D)Burdened (C)with (G)sorrow, (Am)weighted (G)down with (C)care? (D)Are you in (C)bon(G)dage? Do you (C)want del(G)iverance? (D)Come, (C)then, with (G)me, there is (Am)refuge (G)from des(D)pair Chorus I (G)know a (C)fount where sins are (G)washed away I know a (C)place where night is (D)turned to (G)day (D)Burdens are (Em)lifted, blind (G)eyes made to (C)see (G) There’s a (Am)wonder-working (G)power in the (C)blood of (D)Calvary. Fettered and bound by chains of self-indugence Missing the blessings God on man bestows, Seeking for joy but only finding sorrow? Come to the waters where grace and mercy flow. Wondrous Deliverer! Sin-forgiving Saviour! Cleanser of hearts! Unfailing friend and guide! No one has ever trusted unavailing, No one has claimed of his love and been denied.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.