How Great Thou Art Lyrics & Chords

Hymn by Stuart K. Hine

(G)Oh Lord my (C)God when I in (F)awesome wonder
(C)Consider all the worlds Thy (G)hands have (C)made
I (G)see the (C)stars I hear the (F)rolling thunder
Thy power through(C)out the (G)universe dis(C)played

(C)Then sings my soul my (F)Savior God to (C)thee
How great Thou (G)art
How great Thou (C)art
Then sings my soul my (F)Savior God to (C)thee
How great Thou (Dm)art how (G)great Thou (C)art

(G)When thru the (C)woods and forest (F)glades I wander
And hear the (C)birds sing sweetly (G)in the (C)trees
When (G)I look (C)down from lofty (F)mountain grandeur
And hear the (C)brook and feel the (G)gentle (C)breeze

(G)And when I (C)think that God his (F)Son not sparing
Sent Him to (C)die I scarce can (G)take it (C)in
That on the (C)cross my burden (F)gladly bearing
He bled and (C)died to take a(G)way my (C)sin
(G)When Christ shall (C)come with shout of (F)acclamation
And take me (C)home what joy shall (G)fill my (C)heart
Then (G)I shall (C)bow in humble (F)adoration
And there proc(G)laim my God how (G)great Thou (C)art.

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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