They're Holding Up The Ladder Lyrics & Chords

By The Easter Brothers

(D)They're holding up the ladder that I'm climbing on I'm (A)climbing up the ladder and I'm (G)going (D)home At the top of the ladder O what joy there shall be And the (A)angels are holding up this (G)ladder for (D)me (D)As I climb this gospel ladder always heeding every sign I (A)know my Savior's with me and He's (G)teaching me to (D)climb Every day that I'm climbing there's a battle for me Every (A)step on this ladder is (G)another victo(D)ry There's a mansion being built for me somewhere in Gloryland And this ladder that I'm climbing is a part of His plan I can hear the angels beckoning and the climbing don't stop There's a crown of life awaiting for you when you reach the top Come on you Christian Soldiers show the world your light can shine Get on this gospel ladder and don't be afraid to climb Can't you hear the angels cheering soon the battle will be o'er And we'll celebrate the victory when we reach that other shore

Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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