He's An On Time God Lyrics & Chords
By Gateway Worship
Chorus (C)He's an on time God, Yes He is, He's an (Am)on time God, Yes He is. He (C)may not come when you want Him, But (E)He'll be there right on (C)time. (F)He's (A)an on (D)time (G)God, (C)Yes He is. Verse 1 (C)Just ask the children of Israel trapped at the Red Sea by the mean ole pharaoh and his army. They had water all around them and pharaoh on their backs, but from out of nowhere, (F)God stepped in and (G)put a highway (C)just like that. Verse 2 You can ask the 5,000 hungry souls he fed on the banks of the river with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread. What a miracle He performed on that multitude, but what he did way back then, He can do today for me and you.
Easy chords for beginners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.