He's All I Need Lyrics & Chords

By Genelle Tennant

(D)He's all I need when I just need someone to (G)talk to, He's always (A)there to hear my prayer each time I (D)call him; All my needs He supplies, my thirsty (G)soul He satisfies, He's the (D)Lord of Lords, He's (A)all I (D)need. Chorus (D)He comforts me when I'm weary and (G)eases every (D)pain, (A)Fills my deepest longing time and time (D)again; He's my soul's inspiration, my (G)heart's consolation, He's my (D)everything, He's (A)all I (D)need. He's all I need, I need not turn to any other, For He's a friend I can depend closer than a brother; On this friend I can rely to be my strength as life goes by, He's the Lord of all, He's all I need.

Easy chords for begiiners. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords and strumming pattern are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

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